Specific Language Resources for other Languages
In general, you’re looking for a way to learn the correct pronunciation of the language, it’s alphabet (if necessary), a good grammar book, and a good vocabulary book. Once you’re further along, you’ll need another grammar book and some reading material for fun.
I’m using this page to store resources for other languages as I get them. I’ll be expanding this page on a semi-regular basis and moving languages to their own pages as I research more resources. Remember, I’ve made a base vocabulary list of 400 words to start you off! As I talk about in that article, I find it easiest to translate those words using the short dictionaries at the end of a Lonely Planet Phrasebook; they’re cheap, short and give you good, standard translations for your words (just ignore the ridiculous pronunciation guides). Later, when you’re ready for sentences, you can go back to your phrasebook and grab some. After that, try some of these resources:
Learn Czech
Routledge Frequency Dictionary:
Reviewers note that there’s no phonetic information in this dictionary, which means you’ll have to get it elsewhere.
If you’re serious about perfecting your Czech pronunciation, Timothy Cheek’s book, Singing in Czech (with CD) is wonderful. I don’t know why it’s so expensive nowadays!
Learn Dutch
A wonderful pronunciation guide for Dutch