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  • The English Pronunciation and International Phonetic Alphabet Anki Deck

    The English Pronunciation /
    International Phonetic Alphabet Anki Deck

    Use this flashcard deck along with my video series on YouTube to quickly learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

    This deck contains 121 cards that cover the following topics:

    • Each sound in the English language (50 facts, 100 cards) with a recording, examples of each sound, the IPA symbol, and notes (for the consonants) about Place/Voicing/Manner.  Vowels are based on General American pronunciation, though I include the main vowels/diphthongs of Received Pronunciation (“British” English).

    • Three utility symbols of the IPA (symbols for long, primary stress, and syllable mark)

    • The places used in English (9 of them, with pictures)

    • The manners (9 of them, with written descriptions/examples)

    I have a free demo deck over here so you can try it out ahead of time.  Feel free to use the demo deck as a template for making your own deck if you prefer (you learn a lot that way!)

    These cards are designed to be a supplement to my video tutorials on English Pronunciation.  Watch those first.  Then watch this walkthrough, which takes you through each card.

    Notes and links:
    Installation tutorial
    • About charging for Anki decks

    •  A couple of Windows users are reporting seeing black bars instead of IPA symbols in the extra notes section of some of the cards.  This is a font issue, and you can fix it by going into Deck Properties>Basic>Edit>Card Layout for each template and changing the
    font from Arial to Arial MS Unicode for each field.  This will be fixed for future decks once Anki 2.0 comes out.  Sorry for any inconvenience!

    English Pronunciation Anki Deck
    Order The English Pronunciation / Internationational Phonetic Alphabet Anki Deck English Pronunciation Anki Deck @ $3.00

    5 thoughts on “The English Pronunciation and International Phonetic Alphabet Anki Deck

    1. Livonor

      você traduziu isso no google tradutor? porque está cheio de erros :/ . Você deveria deixar o post em inglês mesmo. Eu sei que você não fala português, mas um cara que lida com línguas fazendo um post cheio de erros dá uma má impressão

      1. Stephanie

        It is in English. You must be using your browser to translate it into Portuguese, which is why you are having the errors.

        This whole site is in English.

      2. gwyner Post author

        Hi Livonor. Yeah, it’s an automatic google translate plugin. I need to reconfigure it so that it’s more obvious what it’s doing! Apologies for the confusion.

    2. Neil Durbin

      I would definitely buy your anki deck however paypal has frozen my account for an unexplained reason. If any other payment options are available please let me know.

    3. Jose Briscoe


      I purchased your “The English Pronunciation and International Phonetic Alphabet Anki Deck”, however, how do I actually get the deck. I was redirected to the paypal site in which my wife paid for it for me since I do not have a paypal account. But after that how do I go about getting the deck.




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