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  • Monthly Archives: January 2013

    How to use iMacros to automate your word research

    Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 9.48.46 AMWhen I learn a new word, I look it up in 4 places:

    1. Google Images on Steroids (Hungarian site, basic mode, inside of Google Translate) [I talk about setting this up here]
    2. for audio recording (Skipping to Hungarian entry directly)
    3. A decent Hungarian-English Dictionary (I use Sztaki szótár)
    4. A decent Hungarian-Hungarian Dictionary (I use Wikiszótár, inside of Google Translate)

    This gives me everything I need to make my cards quickly, but it’s a pain in the butt to enter my word into Anki, then do it 4 more times into the search fields, especially when #1 and #4 (the sites I’ve preloaded into Google translate) don’t let you enter things into their search fields directly (it kills the Google translate part).

    I found a solution last night.

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    Foreign Language Dictionary Reviews (Part 1: Pronunciation)

    This is some early bookstore research for a bunch of foreign language dictionary reviews. I went to two large bookstores (The enormous Half Price Books and the equally enormous Barnes & Noble in Dallas) and wrote down the names of pretty-much every dictionary they had in every language they carried, and also noted whether they included pronunciation information (and if so, whether it was IPA, some formal system (pinyin, romaji), some random system they invented, or some terrible English approximation [Bawn-JOOR]). I’ve tried to provide Amazon links to as many dictionaries as possible.

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    How to learn a language’s sound system with Anki

    I’ve been fielding questions about my methods for Hungarian and how they might work for a less phonetic language like French, with multiple ways of spelling a single sound. Today, I made a 44-card sample deck for French, which you’re welcome to download and use as a model here.

    The sample deck includes 3 chunks:

    • Minimal pair practice
    • Spelling rules
    • Basic picture words

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